How to Build Websites With Zero Coding Skills?

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How to Build a Website with Zero Coding Skills?

If you’ve been a client of VeecoTech, let us break the good news to you! We are launching our very first website builder application on the internet, which is Benova.

Benova is a professional builder tool that comes with various template designs suited for building websites, eCommerce websites, and mobile apps. Anybody can build the websites of their dreams without having any coding skills required on Benova. You just need an eye for aesthetics.

Why Benova? 

award-winning template designs to build websites, ecommerce web and mobile apps

It has 50+ award-winning template designs 

Currently, Benova has more than 50 award-winning template designs that are crafted professionally for websites and eCommerce websites. 

Benova’s website designs cater to a large group of personalities. Its template designs cover themes from vibrant, minimalist, cityscape, nature to mystical and midnight ventures. Users are also able to design in their preferred color palette. 

Moreover, creators have the flexibility to adjust layouts or create personal templates for specific projects. 

Websites built on Benova are also mobile-responsive so you are guaranteed a smooth user interface across mobile devices. Fast UI experience means better user experience, and we love that for you!

Exclusive template designs for eCommerce webs and mobile apps 

Benova’s eCommerce web package includes web features that are essential for daily eCommerce activities. For instance, an eCommerce web is usually constituted of a shopping cart, payment gateway, a special offer tab, and so forth.

You will receive an indefinite trial pass to design eCommerce mobile apps customized for sellers and buyers when an eCommerce web package is purchased. These mobile apps are promised with features that allow sellers and buyers to execute eCommerce activities optimally.

Benova’s users are able to publish eCommerce websites whenever but this is not the same for mobile apps.

Users will be recommended to reach out to VeecoTech’s team to put the mobile app designs to practical use.

SEO marketing tools to help rank websites on Google

You’re competing with the global market right now. You can’t just go combat anybody without taking your weapons with you. 

SEO marketing is an emerging marketing trend nowadays and it helps to rank websites effectively on Google’s search engine result page. 

How it works is simple– Your web ranking goes up when your web includes ‘highly searched’ content. 

Benova’s SEO marketing tools allow users to determine keywords that are highly searched in a month. These keywords can be frequently used by your target audience and your competitors. 

It’s true that the Google algorithm changes how SEO works every now and then. However, Benova’s SEO marketing tools are designed to track the algorithm. Thus, Benova gives the most accurate output for users to rank their websites effectively. 

Purchase domain names directly from Benova

You’re done building your website now. The next step is to create a web presence using web domain name. 

A domain name is essential for websites to gather authority, credibility, and user’s trust. It works like credit points for your website. 

For instance, instead of having a combination of weird numbers and alphabets jumbled up as your website address, you have Does the former or the latter look more reliable to you?

I hope your answer is the latter because that’s correct! 

Purchasing a domain name tailored for your business will make you a more dependable and safer option for your visitors. These visitors could be your service users and perhaps your potential business partners.

On Benova, you can purchase unique domain names at a fairly low price and own domain names permanently.

No coding skills needed to build websites, literally.

There is no excuse to not start your own website now.

Start building your website on Benova if you’re deadset ready to kickstart your business or transform your business model.

Or if you wish to sell your website design for business purposes, consider Benova as it’s designed to be beginner-friendly and affordable.

Have trouble starting? Benova’s consultation team is on standby to provide you with the support and advice that you need here

get benova today

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About the Author

Meet VeecoTech Team sharing cutting-edge insights on web design, ecommerce, SEO, and mobile apps. We’re passionate about empowering businesses with digital success. Join us on this exciting journey towards online excellence.

2023-09-14T18:06:13+08:00June 4th, 2021|Benova, Web Design|

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