Top Fruits - Leading Malaysia Software & Marketing Agency
Top Fruits2024-09-10T10:21:45+08:00

Project Description

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How Top Fruits Boosted Their Conversion Rate by 97.1% in Just 3 Months

After successfully revamping their website, Top Fruits Sdn. Bhd., Malaysia’s leading durian supplier, set sights on the next big goal: enhancing website performance to boost traffic and user engagement. However, like many businesses, they quickly realised that achieving this requires more than a sleek design.

The real challenge lies in mastering SEO and content production—key elements that can often feel overwhelming. The constant effort needed to understand the data, research, and produce content can be exhausting.

But here’s the good news: although it may seem complex, it’s not impossible. You can transform these challenges into powerful growth drivers with the right SEO strategies and content creation that align with users’ needs.

The Challenge – Levelling Up Organic Traffic and Search Rankings

Top Fruits, a leading manufacturer of frozen and fresh durians with a legacy dating back to 1986, has grown to own one of Malaysia’s largest durian farms. Despite being a major player in the industry, Top Fruits has faced a common challenge faced by many B2B websites: navigating the competitive keyword landscape and competing with well-established competitors with higher domain authority, leading to limited organic traffic and difficulty appearing on the first page of search engine results.

At the initial stage, we noticed that the Top Fruits website needed:

  • More Visibility and Traffic: Website data from January to February saw 997 visitors. For comparison, similar websites generally report between 1,001 and 15,000 visitors monthly.
  • Boosting Engagement with Consistent Content: The website previously featured an inconsistent posting schedule for blogs and articles. Research indicates that maintaining a consistent posting frequency of 2 to 4 monthly blogs enhances engagement and reach.

Strategic SEO Content Optimization

Imagine a website that attracts more visitors and converts them into paying customers, all while reducing reliance on inefficient long-term and short-term ads.

It starts with optimising the website with proven SEO practices:

  • using targeted keywords in meta descriptions
  • featuring engaging images on every web page
  • creating content perfectly aligned with their business niche

It isn’t just a dream—it’s a strategy that delivers actual results. By focusing on these SEO essentials, businesses can build a sustainable, high-performing website that continues to draw in quality traffic, engage visitors, and turn them into loyal customers.

Through a comprehensive and strategic approach, Top Fruits Sdn. Bhd witnessed remarkable growth, with a 188% increase in organic traffic and a 97.1% boost in conversion rates. This success was no accident—it resulted from carefully executed steps to optimise their website’s performance. Here’s how we did it;

1. Conduct in-depth bottom-of-the-funnel (BOFU) keyword research to identify highly commercial terms that drive conversions and generate sales.

  • This stage involves identifying high-intent keywords like “buy,” “discount,” or “review” to drive sales.
  • Utilise tools like Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, or Ahrefs to analyse search volume, competition, and relevancy and optimise content and ads.

2. Craft a content strategy with Top Fruit’s insights, competitor’s content gap analysis, and keyword data.

  • We analyse Top Fruit’s unique strengths and audience preferences and conduct a competitor content gap analysis to pinpoint areas they overlook.
  • Conducted targeted keyword research and optimised the website’s performance using SEO tools to enhance keyword rankings and increase search volume.

3. Create Grade A SEO score content (We promise an 80+ score!) that both human and Google loves

  • Perform keyword research, incorporate pertinent keywords into the material, organise it using headings and subheadings, maximise meta descriptions, offer high-quality content, cite reliable sources, keep the content readable, and update it frequently to ensure it is current and relevant.

4. Structure every content according to our battle-tested content flow

  • We utilise keyword research to create a structured content flow by creating an engaging introduction, a detailed body, and a compelling call to action.
  • We optimise for SEO using meta descriptions, alt text, and internal links for user-friendly and search engine-optimised content.

5. Create a solid internal linking strategy that builds up topical authority, which could also increase conversion rates.

The Proof is in the Results

We have consistently implemented and optimised content production for three months that aligns with best SEO practices. The following results are below:

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188% Organic Traffic Growth
Implementing content strategy, focusing on search intent, increased visibility and engagement, resulting in a 2.32K to 6.44K click growth over three months.

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Conversion rate increased by 97.1%
Nearly doubled, indicating a substantial improvement in the website’s effectiveness in engaging visitors and driving them toward desired actions.

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36.2% Weekly User Rate (WAU/MAU ratio or User stickiness ratio).
According to industry standards, around 30-50% of engagement suggests that the content and user experience effectively retain visitors, drive consistent traffic, and foster loyalty.

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The average engagement time is 62 seconds (higher than the industry benchmark of 52 seconds).
These suggest that our audience finds our content more engaging and relevant, leading to longer reading times and better performance metrics.

Top Fruits Sdn. Bhd demonstrates how effective SEO and content strategies can yield significant results. They experienced a substantial 188% increase in organic traffic and a 97.1% conversion boost. Their WAU/MAU ratio reached 36.2%, with users spending an average of 62 seconds engaging with content—both figures significantly surpassing industry norms.

As challenging as it can be to get noticed in a crowded online space. With the right support and strategies, those challenges can become opportunities for growth.

What Our Client Say

dr felicia sample img

Dr. Felicia

Principal Dentist of
Skye Dental Penang

“I wholeheartedly recommend VeecoTech for anyone seeking top-notch SEO services. Their effectiveness, professionalism, and ability to deliver outstanding results truly set them apart from other SEO companies I have worked with in the past. With their tailored solutions, excellent communication, and proactive approach, VeecoTech has proven themselves to be a reliable and trustworthy partner in optimising online presence. They have earned my utmost respect and gratitude, and I look forward to continuing our successful collaboration in the future.”

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