5 Effective Ways To Advertise During the COVID-19 crisis

5 Effective Ways To Advertise During the COVID-19 Crisis

As the COVID-19 pandemic goes on, many businesses are mostly be affected by this crisis. People being cooped up at home due to Movement Control Order (MCO), it must be a challenging period to conduct selling activities. Here are a few guidelines that are made to understand how to adapt marketing strategies to these rapidly changing trends.

5 Effective Ways To Advertise During the COVID-19 crisis

Plan Out Your Online Marketing Strategies 

As COVID-19 dominate Google searches, it has changed business trends in consumer priorities and the entire marketing strategies. Review these search trends regularly and be prepared to add new keywords to your campaigns accordingly so you can continue to stay strong with your customers.

Set Up Lead Magnet

An incentive like “55% off shipping’’ and “promo code’’ may drive new leads and sales, which allow you to target new customers. Make sure to list out your product or service, and how it will benefit when people plan to purchase. You can adjust your offering and choose things on sale, consider making a relevant product to meet customer needs.

5 Effective Ways To Advertise During the COVID-19 crisis

According to Hubspot, 95% of all paid search ad clicks on mobile come through Google, one of the most powerful way to advertise your product. Here are some tips for you to consider:

Use Prominent Keywords

Google ads can make your website appear more often on the first page when someone searches for a certain keyword on Google. You can do some research by typing out some of the keywords that are related to your business or used by your competitor. This could help you to know much better which keyword is the most prominent and you are likely to target.

Understand Your Target Audience

Before running your ads, it’s crucial to have a clear understanding of your target audience. Define their demographics, interests, and behaviors to effectively tailor your ad campaigns and reach the right people.

Create Compelling Ad Copy

Your ad copy plays a significant role in grabbing users’ attention. Craft compelling and concise headlines and descriptions that highlight the unique selling points of your product or service. Use language that resonates with your target audience and includes a clear call-to-action.

Utilize Ad Extensions

Google Ads offers various ad extensions that can enhance the visibility and performance of your ads. Experiment with extensions like sitelinks (additional links to relevant pages on your website), call extensions (phone number display), location extensions (showing your business address), and more to provide users with more information and increase engagement.

Optimize Landing Pages

Ensure that the landing pages you link your ads to are relevant, user-friendly, and optimized for conversions. Design them with a clear objective in mind, whether it’s making a purchase, filling out a form, or signing up for a newsletter. Implement strong and persuasive calls-to-action on your landing pages to encourage users to take the desired action.

5 Effective Ways To Advertise During the COVID-19 crisis

Schedule your social media post in the next 3 months in advance. This is the right timing for you because people are spending more time on their phones. You may do some free advertisement for your brand.

Free Advertising

You can include some form of branding in your post image, short video clip, live streaming and so on this is especially for Facebook and Instagram. You may share blog posts or articles on your social media such as Twitter, and Pinterest if you have a website for your business. Your older content can be repurposed into newer content to share on social media. This helps to drive more users’ traffic from the social media platform to your website. It is the best way of advertising!

Get experience digital marketers to help you in terms of media buying, content creation, and visual designing. As paid advertisement is something you should take into accounts, otherwise you are spending every single cent for zero return. It is good to set a budget for how much earnings you are going to get and take 10-15% of it to invest in advertisement. This format of calculation has been proven by much online business. Get in touch with the experienced digital marketer today!

Sign Up for Free Digital Marketing Courses 

It was a new pandemic for some brands to adopt digital marketing. Therefore, people seek to learn more about digital marketing by signing up for some online marketing courses. It is a good sign that people are getting ready to move into a digital business.

An example we can refer to Semrush offered free access to its Social Media Toolkit and Academy courses. This is a good promotional tool in contributing to brand recognition and generates publicity because it doesn’t require huge spending. However, your free content needs to have your brand in it, preferably in a noticeable way.

Try to spread awareness with free subscription of your existing product or service in most social media platforms to help your business profile rise higher. People will search for a topic with free content and see your brand around, they might click when they see you in the search result.

5 Effective Ways To Advertise During the COVID-19 crisis

Get Free Advertising by Creating Useful Content 

Apart from present your ads to existing customers, take advantage of drive new leads and sales by providing information and knowledge. Since an informative page is the most popular search on Google, you might share some knowledge or How-to ideas regarding your product.

When creating a new post, consider creating information design rather than updating a set of writing posts. Effectively designed information such as infographics is a good way to simplify reading and clarifying messages.

In addition to simply give information, think about remarketing to those who have liked, commented on, or interacted with your business page. Get in touch with your customers and prospects in email marketing by sending them with COVID–19 alert messages and content related to your business.


As we know, this is a hard time for everyone to run business and promotion. However, we shall learn from this crisis and starts to conduct our business digitally. For more useful marketing tips, be sure to check other articles written by us.

Contact us today if you need any help in online advertising!

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About the Author

Meet VeecoTech Team sharing cutting-edge insights on web design, ecommerce, SEO, and mobile apps. We’re passionate about empowering businesses with digital success. Join us on this exciting journey towards online excellence.

2023-09-14T18:06:42+08:00May 22nd, 2020|General|

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